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Mike Mastro

Mike Mastro has been a small business owner since 1987. He’s been a dedicated student of business and marketing ever since. Prior to that, he studied personal development programs for over 10 years. With his background in fitness, he became the Strength and Conditioning Coach of a Men’s Division 1 basketball program in NJ.

Business Consultant and Coach

Founder Business Marketing Academy

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Moving on into the corporate health and fitness industry, he quickly moved into upper management positions, where he was a beneficiary of extensive professional sales training programs. He shifted his study from personal development to marketing in the late 1980’s. After his first experience with it, he became addicted to the subject, reading and studying everything he could get his hands on.


Following a successful solo career as a sought-after trainer (with high-profile clients like top CEO’s, former NBA player Al Blackwell, fashion models and even band members of Bon Jovi), he opened the first Personal Fitness training studio in his state. Over the next several years he contracted with several large chain health centers and gained the rights to all the personal training at those locations.

Along with the fitness businesses, he simultaneously opened other entities like tanning salons, and created sales training programs, copywriting services, publishing, and selling business newsletters. He also started businesses in the home-services industry with an innovative non-slip treatment for tile floors. All said, his business resume includes professional practice, memberships, brick & mortar retail locations and home services.


Recognizing the huge need, Mike is now an advocate for, and currently works with small business owners with round table workshops, one-to-one as well as in small private groups, to grow their company’s revenue and more importantly, their profits. He does this by providing his clients proven revenue-generating systems utilizing his expertise and proprietary software.


Now living in southwest Florida, in his free time Mike still enjoys exercising, sports, comedy clubs, traveling to new locations, reading, writing, and listening to his favorite music.


Let's Connect!

"If you’re looking to attract more clients, get more referrals, make more sales, create more repeat business and have your clients stay with you longer…one thing is certain. You need to know the best marketing methods."


- Mike Mastro

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